Friday, February 1, 2013

February Nail Art Challenge!

It's that time!! Erica's Nails and More February Nail Art Challenge! I've been looking forward to this and I'm going to have so much fun with this! The first day is Galaxy Nails. I'm one who likes to go against the grain, so instead of doing the typical black background with a starry look, I did our solar system!

Left to right: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Night sky with sparkles for stars. I contemplated doing Pluto on my other thumb since I grew up with Pluto being a planet, but I figured since it technically isn't one now I'd just leave it out lol. Let me show a close up for all the details!

If I had a better camera you would see the details more, but I swirled together yellow, light orange, and a red/orange to make a swirling fiery sun.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars

Close up of Earth - I drew little continents!

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Night sky with sparkle stars.

Close up of Jupiter and Saturn.

Black galaxy with millions of stars.

I promise I won't post so many pictures every time, I just did a lot of details on this one that I wanted to point out. :)

Ok, so here are the polishes I used:

For the black background: Covergirl Outlast Stay Brilliant "Black Diamond"
For the sparkle stars: Essie Luxeffects "Pure Pearlfection"
I mixed some of the colors with white to create a lighter color. The white is Covergirl Outlast Stay Brilliant "Snow Storm"
Blue planets: NYC In A New York Minute "Pier 17" and the white polish above.
Mercury: Essie "Smokin Hot" mixed with the white above.
Venus: Finger Paints "Iconic Orange" mixed with Nina Ultra Pro "Call The Coppers".
Green continents in Earth: Finger Paints F02151 (it's a teal green)
Mars: Sally Hansen Nail Growth Miracle "Divine Wine" mixed with China Glaze "Sun Worshiper".
Jupiter: Essie "Smokin Hot" mixed with white, and then stripes of Finger Paints "Iconic Orange" and China Glaze "Celtic Sun" for the details.
Saturn: China Glaze "Celtic Sun" mixed with the white, and then Essie "Smokin Hot" and China Glaze "Sun Worshiper" for the rings.

That's pretty much it. I wanted to start of the first day of the challenge with a bang and go all out! Looking forward to the other days!


  1. So adorable! You did a great job!

  2. Thanks, D! I adore yours too, so pretty!

  3. Great job! I didn't think about doing planets for a galaxy mani! Very original. :D

  4. I love that you thought outside the box for this one! Like you said, everyone does the "typical" galaxy nails (guilty ;) ) and this is a nice, refreshing twist on them :D *highfive*

  5. I LOVE THESE! What an awesome's so rare for me to see nail art that makes me jump up and down all excited, but you've sure done the job! How cool are these <3

  6. Love it! These are so much fun!

  7. Omg all of you, I'm so thrilled you love them!! Erica and Kelli, I love that this was exciting to you! Thanks, everyone!! :) :gleaming:

  8. These are amazing! I love that you did the planets! :)

  9. These are fantastic, Kelsey!! Love the little planets!

  10. These stand out so much - awesome idea for the galaxy theme and I'm totally in love with Jupiter :)

  11. Loved that you switched it up and went with planets!!!

  12. I love all of the detail in your mani. Great job! So nice seeing something completely different yet so perfect for the theme. Hope you'll check out my holo galaxy at Southern Sass N Sparkle.

  13. What a great idea. Love the execution of it. Great job!
